Thursday, June 4, 2009

Literacy and Children

Conversation between Mom and Son.

Son:  Mom  can I see the iPhone a minute? 

Mom:  Well, hold on it doesn't have much charge let me get 
to a stop light and I will plug it in for you first.

Son:  I'm not going to play a game.

Mom:  Just a second let it charge almost done.

Son:  a disappointed "k"

Mom:  Here, it has some charge, what is the emergency?

Son:  I'll show you in just a sec...

Suddenly quiet in the backseat... a nice change.

Son:  Here, read it when you can.

I love it that my child is literate!
How sweet is this?  (said in a squeaky high tearful voice...)

Mom:  This is so dear to me sweetie, thank you.

Son:  You're welcome, I just wanted to tell you.


  1. Cute. My duughter likes to draw on the notepad on my phone. She's not quite literate yet though. I myself did something similiar and sent it to my husband.

  2. Ohhhhh, that is so sweat. Melts your heart!
